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angle-left Changes to bus routes on 5th June 2023

Changes to bus routes on 5th June 2023

New stops for Route 1: Utra–Rantakylä–city center–Niinivaara–Karhunmäki–Reijola

New route number 7: Hukanhauta–city center–Linnunlahti

Route number 8 city center–Karhunmäki–Reijola is terminated and is substituted by Route 1

The terminus of bus lines 202 and 204 will change. The new terminus of bus line 202 will be situated to Nepenmäki. Accordingly the terminus of bus line 204 will be situated to Petäikkölä.

On Route 4: The stops Kanavaranta and Kimmel are not available due to construction work at Itäranta

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